Monday 30 May 2016

assignment Q5.1 Digital rights and responsibility

Digital rights and responsibilities.

According to Digital citizenship DFerris digital rights and responsibility refers to having freedom to use all types of digital technology, while using the technology in an accepteble and appropriate manner.
As a user of digital technology, you have the right to privacy and the freedom of personal expression.We also, however have the responsibility to use it wisely and respect the works of others.With everything, there are rules, with every right there is a responsibility.

Digital rights
Right to freedom of expression.
Right to privacy.
Right to digital access.
Right to our identity.
Right to credit for personal works.

Digital responsibility
Responsibility to report bullying and harassing.
Responsibility to cite works used for research and resource.
Responsibility to download music, videos legally.
Responsibility not to falsify our identity.

Internet censorship in countries like China is extreme due to a wide variety of laws and administrative regulations.
The government authorities not only block website content, but also monitor the internet access of individuals.
That is wrong and according to the Digital rights illegal.
According to Digital rights and responsibilities, every individual is entitled to access to internet, and privacy.
This kind of law implemented in China is depriving humans their right and thus should be looked in to by top authorities.

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